How We Can Help

We provide a safe space for:

  • People suffering from any form of loss

  • Individuals who are stressed and seeking someone to talk to

  • Those experiencing relationship issues such as loneliness, divorce, or abuse

  • People facing any form of difficulty or hardship

  • Individuals who have recently relocated and need support navigating life in the UK

  • Those who have been battered and need support to get back to work through coaching or training services

We provide a range of services designed to support and nurture individuals:

  • Our Helpline opens for 12 hr from 7am -7pm daily to provide immediate support and guidance.

  • Referrals and Signposting: Directing you to the right assistance such as counselling, physiotherapy, pastoral care, guidance, prayers, and more.

  • Where necessary, clients are referred to our financial assessment and support department for evaluation and assistance.

  • 1:1 Private Consultations: Offering meet-and-talk support with our group of volunteers.

  • We provide health seminars to promote mental health and general well-being.

  • Listening and Befriending Services: Providing emotional support and friendship to those in need.

  • Educational and Practical Help: Assisting with setting achievable goals and providing resources for personal growth and development.

We provide paid therapy sessions to help promote mental, emotional health and aid with the healing process

 "In the right spaces, you will be heard without shouting. You will be seen without showing your wounds. You will be understood without changing who you are. You can be yourself without any need to alter your identity"

— Joanna C. Valente